Tag: zine

  • Old Tom Backyard Race Plan

    In two weeks’ time me and some friends will be exploring Old Tom’s backyard, over and over again. This race format includes running one lap every hour, last man standing. I might not be standing much. I plan on running, walking, sitting, eating, etc. As you can tell my race plan is very dialed in……

  • Manitoba Marathon

    In 2018 I attempted the impossible, running my first marathon, Winnipeg’s Manitoba Marathon. This was my first foray into long-distance running, what became the start of years of long-distance adventures. Today I’m grateful for the friends and community I found following this path. Congrats to all of today’s MB Marathon runners!

  • Bedford Ridge

    When you’re a runner looking for practice running upward and downward, but live in a landscape geared towards running horizontally (for miles and miles), where do you go? Local runners have found one answer to be Bedford Ridge in the Sandilands. Off the beaten path of the “yellow” XC ski trail lies a little singletrack…

  • Sick or Ultrarunning

    This week I had the opportunity to do some personal research into the comparison between illness and ultrarunning, particularly the former. Only two quantifiable differences could be observed: footstep count, and number of kudos. Motivational slogans also seem to apply to both, but David Horton’s words seem particularly on point: “It never always gets worse.”…

  • Make Your Own Race Plan for Suffer on Centennial

    After getting a lot of feedback on last week’s Top Secret Race Plan I realized – there’s a small group of people who have signed up for a crazy adventure on May 25, Suffer on Centennial 100km. Each of us are thinking ahead to race day on a daily basis, either with excitement or dread,…

  • Top Secret Race Plan

    Suffer on Centennial is only two months away. It’s time to get serious. It’s time to dial things in. It’s time to envision exactly where on this grand day of adventure I will puke, and where I will cry, and remind myself exactly how many kudos I will rake in if I complete this challenge.…

  • Paper Crafts for Spring Running

    It’s spring! Almost. Some days. With weather conditions changing by the hour, runners face the daily struggles of how to dress, where to run, and where to step to avoid puddles and ice patches. Here are a few paper crafts you can use to test your planning skills and prepare yourself for whatever you’ll find…

  • Winter Shoes for Manitoba Runners

    If you were both a sports fan and watched Saturday morning cartoons in what was apparently a very short slice of time in the rich year of 1991, you might remember having watched ProStars. No? The show, which according to Wikipedia aired for only 3 months but made a long-lasting impression on at least one…

  • Runner Romance

    The pitter patter of footsteps and heartbeats meet with these running-inspired Valentine’s Day ideas.

  • Year of the Zine

    One year ago I declared 2023 my “Year of the Zine”, and have thoroughly enjoyed exploring this new creative space and learning a bit about my own voice in the process. With thanks for Austin Klein for first introducing the 8-page zine to me. And thanks to YOU for reading along. More to come next…