Newslettering: Creating Effective Newsletters With Love

Friends, I’d like you to meet my first eBook!

Newslettering: Creating Effective Newsletters With Love

Download “Newslettering” here. (in some browsers, right-click to save)

When I joined Youth With A Mission in 2002, I realized that one of my most important tasks, though not in the β€œmissionary” job description, was communicating with friends, family and supporters about what I was up to. Because partnerships were essential – in finances, prayer, and encouragement – communication was also essential.

Though many dread this kind of communication, as a public speaker and graphic designer by trade I enjoyed creating newsletters and other forms of communication.

This 30-page eBook is my attempt at sharing what I’ve learned through my experience of creating newsletters, as well as my study on the subject of communication and many conversations with friends and supporters.

YWAMers and missionaries, this was written for you, I hope you find it helpful.

It’s free, so read it, share it, reproduce it, trash it, whatever. I hope it’s value for you is far more than the price.

Download “Newslettering” here.

With love,


13 responses to “Newslettering: Creating Effective Newsletters With Love”

  1. Thanks Brent! I found your tips and ideas to be helpful! I’ll send my next news letter to you so you can see what you think : )


  2. I like your ebook! Great design and good tips.
    Now I really feel like I have to start doing that Mail Chimp thing… I might give it a try someday. Big part of our supporters are still readers from paper.

    You should print your ebook with Blurb! Cool to have πŸ™‚

  3. Hi, thanks for sharing this with us!
    Surely will be very helpful and useful.
    God bless!

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