Category: Life

  • Gratitude, It’s All In The Lens

    Since moving to Manitoba, we’ve really appreciated the beauty of our town and natural surroundings. Although some consider the prairies kinda boring (especially compared to Colorado), it seems like any place can get old after a while. Familiarity can easily breed ungratefulness. We’ve been actively trying to appreciate the uniquenesses of our new home area.…

  • “W. W. i. D.” Makes a Cool Bracelet Too

    Maybe you had one of those WWJD bracelets or shirts? I went all out and got the WWJD CD album that included a bracelet (because what Jesus would really do is buy all the WWJD shwag he could get his hands on). But the question that I’ve been finding more challenging, and actually more helpful,…

  • We *heart* Olivia

    Olivia turned 5 months old today, which called for another photo shoot. And Anna figured out how to make this cool hearty photo happen (with only lights and cardboard!)!

  • The Fresh Paint Smell

    Anna’s brother and sister in-law visited from Holland last week, and what was supposed to be their vacation time turned into a big work project that left our house re-organized and our main floor freshly painted. They also poured their blood, sweat and tears (almost literally) into sanding down our armoire by the front door…

  • Putting Down Roots

    We rolled out our lawn this weekend. It’s beautiful, thick, and green. Now we will drench it every day for a couple weeks hoping that it likes its new home and will flourish here. Having lived here for three months now, that’s our hope for our little family too.

  • The One Thing

    “A saint is the person who can will the one thing.” – Soren Kierkegaard I have no idea what that quote means, except that I heard that quote (in the video whose trailer is below) used in reference to ordering and simplifying our busy lives. For years I’ve been trying to learn the art of…

  • Olivia and the Language of 1000 Faces

    One thing that has amazed us as we watched Olivia grow and develop is the variety of expressions displayed on her little face. When she’s happy, her entire head radiates sunshine; when she’s upset, dark clouds roll into every wrinkle. Surprise, joy, curiosity, pain, tiredness, her face says it all. What I find equally fascinating…

  • Letting Go of the Checklist

    Daily checklists are great. Checklists feel safe and keep things balanced. Checklists remind us about those things that we need to do and can’t forget. Checklists keep up productivity. Checklists are great, at least when your aim is productivity. But not all of life is about productivity. If you’re married or have children, you know…

  • The Mosquito’s Gift

    Manitoba summers are beautiful, but the mosquitoes have been out in full force the past couple evenings. There’s nothing that gets your arms and feet moving faster…

  • iPhone, the blessing and the curse

    Last week we launched ourselves into the iPhone life, and I hesitantly so. Though I was told repeatedly that the iPhone was amazing and that once I had one I’d never know how I’d survived before, I was cautious, wondering how connected I really wanted to be. I had enough issues with obsessive email-checking and…