Category: Life

  • Psychotic Inertia

    May I recommend a book? I just finished Psychotic Intertia: A Book About Calling and Confusion, written by a friend and long-time teacher on the subject, Patrick Dodson. In the book Patrick talks about how our view of God affects how we view our futures and our roles in determining those futures. He unravels how…

  • First Mother’s Day

  • My Ode to the Margin

    Margins are the most under-estimated spaces on a page. I often find myself figuring out, my attempts to maximize each sheet of paper, exactly how close to the edge of a page my printer will print. I try to eliminate margins. Most all of us concern ourselves more with the content than the space around…

  • The “Olivia Photostream” begins

    Tomorrow will mark one week as a father. Olivia has already brought us more joy than we could have imagined, while at the same time bringing us to the end of ourselves on a daily basis. I had never understood what an enormous undertaking parenting is. But we’re loving every minute of it. I’ve always…