Tag: running

  • 25 Ways to Taper

    Big race coming up? Here are some tips for handling the days before your big day.

  • Tribute to a Treadmill

    This zine is dedicated to every treadmill who feels misused or forgotten in a clammy basement today. You’re lonely, but you’re not alone.

  • Prairie Mountain Running

    This goes out to all my hill-rep-loving friends. The mountains are calling, and we must go… up, down, up, down, etc See you at the hill!

  • Barkley vs Barkman

    This weekend saw the inaugural Barkman Marathons, a Barkley-inspired running event in Steinbach, Manitoba. How do these two events compare? In this zine we find out.

  • Running the Seasons

    A salute to all of Manitoba’s brave and crazy runners, who brave every season with a smile on their face. You know who you are (and your neighbours do too 😜).

  • Powered by Pickle Juice

    We’re tackling all the myth, legend, the magic of pickle juice in the zineternet today! Here’s a story from the 2022 Grizzly Ultra in Canmore, AB. Note: Don’t believe everything you read in zines. The author of this zine is not a medical professional, but has read some iRunFar articles (this one and this one,…

  • Longest Night Run 2022 Recap

    For five years we’ve spent the winter solstice running through the night. In our community, the calendar has become marked by the Longest Night Run overnight relay, each of the 16 hours of darkness a reminder of past hours and miles spent together in the cold dark. We’ve remembered the joys as well as the…

  • Longest Night Run 2022

    The Longest Night Run 2022 is now ready for sign-up. Register here. Get all the info on our website here. As I wrote to past participants today, even as the days shorten, an anticipation grows as we approach Dec 21, and the longest night of the year. The longest night of the year has now…

  • The Grizzly

    While I’ve identified as an “ultrarunner” (mostly because it sounds cool) for several years, I realized, with all the cancellations over the past years, it had been nearly three years since I last ran an actual ultra marathon! Who am I anymore? But last week I finally had the chance to slap on a 50K…

  • Mennonite Marathon: The Peace Trail

    Not everything automatically becomes a tradition. You can do a thing once, have a good time (or not), then never do it ever again. There’s no such thing as a “first annual”, you need a second to make it an annual affair. Back in 2020, when we were all going stir-crazy and making up our…