Tag: running

  • Things That Count

    There’s a saying in the running world, “If it’s not on Strava, it didn’t happen.” While this is always a joke, I’ve noticed how it points at some truth in how it feels when an activity doesn’t get posted or acknowledged by an app or social media platform. I read this article by Maria Popova…

  • Christmas Decorations for Runners

    Easy to spot the runners in our neighbourhood this time of year… Merry Christmas!

  • 25 Things Every Runner Wants for Christmas

    Here are some gift ideas for that runner on your list.

  • How to make small talk

    It’s the season of parties and festivities. Here are some tips for making the most of all your interactions with friends, family, and even those you do not know very well.

  • 25 Reasons I Didn’t Go For a Run Today (Winter Edition)

    When we were kids we got my dad a “Fisherman’s Excuse Mug”, which cleverly outlined all the reasons the fishing was bad. Which was useful, because the fishing often was bad. This time of year it’s important to probably prepare a list of excuses reasons you might not make it outside for your daily run.…

  • 100 Reasons to Run 100

    Many making plans for 2024 races, here’s a little reminder of why you should chase your dreams and go big next year! This zine goes out to Greg Penner on his birthday, who in 2023 tackled his first 100 miler (and threw in 100km as well). Wishing you many future kudos. Also special mention to…

  • Origins of Perogy Mile

    You may have thought Perogy Mile was an idea we just cooked up four years ago. Turns out Perogy Mile has its origins in the ancient folklore of Steinbach. Today’s zine features a little history lesson. If you’d also like to help carry on the tradition, you can sign up here. Our “eat and run”…

  • Mennonite Marathon NL

    Following the tradition established in August 2020 to commemorate the arrival of the first Mennonites in Manitoba, in 2023 I took the opportunity while visiting my wife’s family in the Netherlands to run to the birthplace of Menno Simons himself. Fortunately my in-laws live only a half-marathon distance from Witmarsum, so the mission could be…

  • Trail Runner’s Guide to Berry Picking

    The best thing about summer trail running is picking berry snacks along the way. Here’s a look at the art of picking berries on the run, featuring Manitoba berries.

  • Suffer on Centennial

    Last weekend I had the privilege of running 50km across rugged Canadian Shield on the Centennial Trail with a bunch of other crazy and wonderful people! Over the past 48 hours, we’ve been working with the latest Big Data and AI-powered technology to crunch the numbers of this spectacular day, and compiled all our findings…