Category: Presentation

  • The Evil Villain of Communication

    We’ve all fallen prey to it before. Your text message says, “See you there at 8”, and they showed up in the morning instead of evening. Or the Help instructions say, “Select the brush icon from the toolbox”, to which you respond, “Where the heck is the toolbox in the first place???” You’ve just been…

  • iPads, Autism, and the Story You’ll Tell

    The other day I watched two brilliant stories. They contrast the amazing diversity of stories being told these days, and got me really excited for the opportunities we all have to tell stories of our own. The first is a short TED talk by Joe Sabia. With faster iPad fingers than you’ll ever see on…

  • Embrace Your Constraints: Pecha Kucha Night

    Last week I went my first Pecha Kucha Night in Winnipeg. What’s “Pecha Kucha”, you ask? Pecha Kucha was started in Tokyo in 2003 as an event for young designers to meet, network, and show their work in public. Named after the Japanese term for the sound of “chit chat”, the event centres around a…

  • Malcolm Gladwell: The strange tale of the Norden bombsight (TED Talk)

    Malcolm Gladwell is an amazing storyteller, and his talk below is no exception. Gladwell weaves a story that has interesting implications in today’s technology-driven world. Watch below or here.

  • Prezi is cool, but it’s still just a tool

    I heard about Prezi a couple months ago, but have only recently had the chance to try it out in a couple projects myself. Prezi is… Prezi is an online (and offline, for a price) presentation tool which lets you create presentations in a non-linear format on a white canvas. Instead of clicking through slide…

  • The Smile as Superpower

    Ron Gutman, with a contagious smile that proves his point, talks about the power of smiling. To support his message, he also uses Prezi, a moving presentation platform, to help the audience engage and see understand the overview of his talk. You can try out Prezi too!

  • Whiteboard Presentation: The Story of Stuff

    I just watched this great “whiteboard” presentation from The Story of Stuff (thanks Meine!). In it Annie Leonard explains the overview of where all our “stuff” comes from, and where it goes. She talks about the problems in our system of producing and consuming stuff, and what we can do to change it. Whiteboard Storytelling…

  • You Can Change the World: TED Talk by Nancy Duarte

    A couple months ago I got my hands on Nancy Duarte’s new book, Resonate. Duarte recently spoke at TEDxEast, and released the video of her 18-minute talk. Nancy Duarte’s talk at TEDx East from Duarte Design on Vimeo. “You are not the hero who will save the audience; the audience is your hero.” – Nancy…

  • Stats That Tell Stories

    Stats aren’t just numbers, they tell stories. Often statistics are seen as boring, but if they’re interpreted and presented in the right way they can offer incredible insights. No one has demonstrated this more clearly than Hans Rosling. If you haven’t yet, check out his TED talks: The Truth About HIV, New Insights on Poverty,…

  • Behind the Scenes at TED

    I just watched this amazing behind the scenes video from 2010’s TED conference. It follows Raghava KK and Sir Ken Robinson through the conference, and in the moments leading up to and following their respective talks. Behind the TEDTalk 2010 from m ss ng p eces on Vimeo. If you’ve ever given a talk or…