Category: Presentation

  • Nancy Duarte’s “Resonate”

    A friend linked my to Nancy Duarte’s free webinar where she talks about some of the thoughts from her new book, Resonate. Nancy’s the CEO of Duarte, a presentation design firm, and has a ton of great tools and wisdom to share from her years of developing presentations. I’ve just started cracking into Resonate (Santa…

  • “All Things” Presentation

    On Sunday I had the chance to give a talk at my home church. Seeing as it was my first speaking “gig” in over 9 months, and very different environment than I was accustomed to (from classroom of 20ish to auditorium of 600ish), I actually got myself quite worked up over the whole thing! I…

  • A Napkin Can Make You a Better Communicator

    Last week we took Olivia to a pediatrician. After the Doc had asked a bunch questions and done the basic check-up stuff, he proceeded give some suggestions for Olivia’s health. Often a doctor will rattle off a bunch of important info during an appointment, then you struggle to remember it a couple weeks down the road…

  • Sir Ken Robinson and the learning revolution

    In my years leading training programs for young adults I had the opportunity to see a transformation in learning in several of my students. Students who hadn’t done well in high school came to our programs and turned a new leaf. One who probably hadn’t read a single book in school was turning his book…

  • Escaping ‘death by PowerPoint’

    Over the past couple years I’ve gained a huge interest in the art and science of public presentations. I enjoy the challenge of sharing an important message in a creative, effective way. If you’re a presenter, teacher or public speaker, you’ve undoubtedly faced the challenge of engaging your audience, keeping their attention and helping them…