“All Things” Presentation

On Sunday I had the chance to give a talk at my home church. Seeing as it was my first speaking “gig” in over 9 months, and very different environment than I was accustomed to (from classroom of 20ish to auditorium of 600ish), I actually got myself quite worked up over the whole thing!

I was really excited to share about some of the stuff I’d been learning over the past year about how Christ relates to everyday life and work. I talked about the importance of (1) Seeing Christ in the normal stuff, (2) Engaging our daily work and life by incorporating the ways and character of Christ (taking part in his reconciliation of the world), and (3) Sharing by pointing out the Christ-like qualities we see in the people around us.

Although I’m my worst critic, given all the positive feedback I received afterwards, I think it went pretty well.

Below are the slides I used to support my talk. Obviously slides alone give very little context about the talk overall, maybe I’ll be able to post some audio at some point as well.

(Thanks to Ted for use of the 2nd last photo from New Orleans, and for once again being my camera-holding photographer model ;).

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