Category: Photography

  • iPhone, the blessing and the curse

    Last week we launched ourselves into the iPhone life, and I hesitantly so. Though I was told repeatedly that the iPhone was amazing and that once I had one I’d never know how I’d survived before, I was cautious, wondering how connected I really wanted to be. I had enough issues with obsessive email-checking and…

  • First Mother’s Day

  • The “Olivia Photostream” begins

    Tomorrow will mark one week as a father. Olivia has already brought us more joy than we could have imagined, while at the same time bringing us to the end of ourselves on a daily basis. I had never understood what an enormous undertaking parenting is. But we’re loving every minute of it. I’ve always…

  • Photography that says “I love you”

    Jonathan Harris has explored different methods of collecting and sharing stories, using technology and photography.  Watch this video and be inspired to look at the world through different eyes. I’ve been really inspired by his project in Bhutan.  I’ve usually considered photography as an medium that communicates to an audience.  But what does photography communicate…