Category: Communication

  • Chris Anderson: How web video powers global innovation

    In his inspiring presentation Chris Anderson, curator of the TED Conference,  introduces to the term “crowd accelerated innovation” and how web video has amplified this process exponentially. “Our brains are uniquely wired to decipher video.” Anderson makes the point that while the written word has done so much to advance ideas worldwide, it is a…

  • Newslettering Made Even Easier

    Newslettering Made Even Easier

    In “Newslettering” I talked about how cool Mail Chimp is for sending HTML emails to your supporters, followers, family, friends. HTML emails = images and text in the email (no more annoying PDF or Word attachments), and Mail Chimp’s friendly, smooth (and did I mention FREE?) service makes creating quality email newsletters even better. And…

  • Resurrection

    Resurrection: Rob Bell from The Work of Rob Bell on Vimeo. A beautiful “illustrated monologue” and collaboration between two amazing artists, Rob Bell (speaker) and Chuck Anderson (graphics, storyboards, & art direction). What I love about this piece is the energy of Bell. A super-talented public speaker, his excitement, pacing and passion drew me in.…

  • Dick Bruna: The Art of Simplicity

    My wife’s been ordering Dutch children’s books for Olivia (they’re supposed to help her learn Dutch, but I can guarantee you she won’t be the only one in the house learning from these). In the process I’ve been learning about the classic books that Anna and many other Dutch kids have grown up with. There are…

  • Simplicity Sticks

    When I was in the sign-making business, I enjoyed analyzing company signs and billboards. I noticed that the simpler the sign was, the more it would get noticed. If a sign was filled with small text, multiple logos, and lots of slogans or contact info, the message would get lost in the shuffle. Less was…

  • Read “Newslettering” on Scribd

    Newslettering: Creating Effective Newsletters With Love Scribd picked up my eBook! Ok, getting published by Scribd is like getting picked up by youTube, but here it is anyway, for your viewing pleasure. (BTW, Scribd is great for any PDF file sharing, try it out!). Thanks for all the positive feedback about “Newslettering”, I’m glad some…

  • Newslettering: Creating Effective Newsletters With Love

    Friends, I’d like you to meet my first eBook! Download “Newslettering” here. (in some browsers, right-click to save) When I joined Youth With A Mission in 2002, I realized that one of my most important tasks, though not in the “missionary” job description, was communicating with friends, family and supporters about what I was up…

  • My first eBook ships tomorrow!

    Maybe a year ago or so I discovered the ebook. I’ve loved how Seth Godin has been giving his ideas away via the ebook for a while and David DuChemin’s ebooks about photography are inspiring and helpful. Ebooks are a low-cost, fast, efficient way to share ideas. They can also look really amazing. And now…

  • Lost: Two confessions and a Mystery Box

    Confession #1: I’m hooked on Lost. I never thought this would be me, eagerly awaiting each Tuesday, joining in discussions following each episode, mulling over key lines, speculating, wondering what might happen next. I’m hooked, and I’m loving it. But I must confess one other thing: I haven’t always been hooked. No, I’m a fair-weather…

  • The Master Storytellers of New Orleans

    I spent last week in New Orleans during Mardi Gras. While walking the streets of the French Quarter, I took note of some incredible communicators: the city’s tour guides. The Challenges Tour guides in New Orleans have at least two huge challenges: battling distraction and telling a compelling story. The French Quarter during Mardi Gras…