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Primary Colours of Fall
Here’s a little Sandilands haiku to inspire your autumn adventures. As we arrived in the Sandilands last weekend, my wife remarked, “I forgot how red the grasses get.” It’s true. Every autumn we share our amazement of how even the ditches, however briefly, turn vibrant shades of red and orange. Another reminder to savour the…
Dusk Ride
Our family’s been spending a lot of time on bikes lately. Rides just after sunset are the best. Playing with textures and a “grand reveal” for this one. Did you feel it too The moment when the air On your skin turned cool
Tribute to a Treadmill
This zine is dedicated to every treadmill who feels misused or forgotten in a clammy basement today. You’re lonely, but you’re not alone.
Wednesday Night Ski Race
Last week some friends and I tried something new, a nordic ski race! For me, these were two things, racing and skiing which had never before been combined. Racing is usually reserved for running, while skiing has been a recreational endeavor (aside from chasing a few Strava segments). But on a fateful evening we headed…
Pocket Poetry
The workshop (uh, dining room table) has been busy lately, as I’ve been bringing some of my poetry to life by way of handmade zines featuring the RunHaiku poetry I’ve been producing over the past few years. Hand-drawn, -cut, and -bound, these little books were a lot of fun to put together, and are available…
In my view a good poem is one in which the form of the verse, and the joining of its two parts, seem light as a shallow river flowing over its sandy bed. – Matsuo Bashō When my book Morning Rounds was coming into shape, I was introduced to the form of poetry known as…
Mennonite Marathon: The Peace Trail
Not everything automatically becomes a tradition. You can do a thing once, have a good time (or not), then never do it ever again. There’s no such thing as a “first annual”, you need a second to make it an annual affair. Back in 2020, when we were all going stir-crazy and making up our…
Poetry Reading Saturday at The Public
Friends, we’re having ourselves a POETRY READING on Saturday, Apr 30. And you should come! Location: The Public Brewhouse and Gallery (301 Main St. Steinbach)Date: Saturday, Apr 30, 2pm (till about 3:30 or so)What’s happening: Readings of poetry from my new book, as well as readings from special guests. And local beer on tap. And…
Morning Rounds in Paperback
In March one year ago, I set about writing a book. This started with a writing workshop, which encouraged the writing practice necessary for getting a book’s worth (and more) of words written. Then began the (self-)publishing journey. E-book, Amazon, then the even more tedious road of formatting a printed book. Yesterday my final proof…