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The Fresh Paint Smell
Anna’s brother and sister in-law visited from Holland last week, and what was supposed to be their vacation time turned into a big work project that left our house re-organized and our main floor freshly painted. They also poured their blood, sweat and tears (almost literally) into sanding down our armoire by the front door…
Putting Down Roots
We rolled out our lawn this weekend. It’s beautiful, thick, and green. Now we will drench it every day for a couple weeks hoping that it likes its new home and will flourish here. Having lived here for three months now, that’s our hope for our little family too.
The “Olivia Photostream” begins
Tomorrow will mark one week as a father. Olivia has already brought us more joy than we could have imagined, while at the same time bringing us to the end of ourselves on a daily basis. I had never understood what an enormous undertaking parenting is. But we’re loving every minute of it. I’ve always…