Category: Communication

  • The Parade Filter

    Watching our town parade yesterday I gradually realized – after seeing dozens of corporate floats – how much of a parade is actually focused on advertising. While the thought of watching one hour of (slowly-moving) ads might taint the whole parade experience, I also realized that this might be one of the best forms of…

  • The Fear and the Power of Connection

    A discerning speech mentor recently pointed out that when I give a speech, I look towards the audience, but I don’t really look at them. My gaze scans the audience, but never really make eye contact with anyone. Why do I avoid eye contact? Speaking to a crowd, launching words into the air, is safe…

  • Social Media Framework

    If you’re trying to establish a presence online, it’s difficult to know where to start. Facebook or Twitter? Is blogging worth my while? What the heck is Google+? I’ve recently been reading Platform by Michael Hyatt, which is a must-read for anyone who has a something to say or sell in today’s world. Hyatt gives…

  • Be Enchanting

    Enchantment – turning cynics into believers, causing voluntary change of hearts and minds, winning over true fans – isn’t just for slick salespeople and charismatic leaders. If you want to make an impact, change the world, or give a great presentation, you need to learn how to enchant your co-workers, clients and audience. Guy Kawasaki…

  • Searching for Stories

    “I truly believe that people are looking for stories that really mean something—stories that are redemptive, inspiring, and bigger than an individual.” – Scott Harrison Whenever we buy a product we’re not only buying that product, we’re also buying into the story that’s being told. It’s why we spend $4 on a cup of coffee,…

  • Tickle the Elephant

    It’s the reason you plan to wake up early to exercise, but end up hitting snooze instead. It’s also the reason all the facts, stats and graphs in the world can make your audience change. “Perched atop the Elephant, the Rider holds the reins and seems to be the leader. But the Rider’s control is…

  • Jump Before You’re Ready

    Several years ago I went skydiving. After four hours of on-the-ground training the instructor and pilot took us up to 2500ft and dropped us out of the pane, one at a time, to have our 2 seconds of free fall and 10 minutes of floating our way down to the ground. It was incredible. Can…

  • Ears

    Several years ago, a wise old preacher friend was giving me some advice about public speaking. “I want to keep doing it,” he said, “as long as my ears are good.” Although this sounded wise, it also seemed illogical, coming from a man whose main job (in my mind) was to talk. But I think…

  • What Do You See?

    What Do You See?

    You know all about optical illusions in colour if you’ve ever tried to pick a paint colour for your house. Or if you’ve had an argument about whether your shirt is black or blue or purple. In his TED talk, Beau Lotto shows us some fascinating optical illusions that reveal just how much what we…

  • Make It A Story

    I’ve been reading Frank Chimero’s The Shape of Design lately, and today read a story today that’s well worth retelling for what it teaches us about turning our messages into stories and connecting emotionally with our audiences. As the story goes… One morning during his walk to work, David Ogilvy, one of the original “mad…