Active Art

I’ve been inspired the past few years by folks who combine activity and art, sport and expression. Sport in itself is an expression (Chariots of Fire, “when I run, I feel God’s pleasure,” anyone?), but when an artist combines a physical activity with another medium, I find the results interesting.

Here are a few artists who’ve inspired me.

Max Romey, Trailbound Sketches

I referenced his ski/watercolour video the other day, but he’s got a few painting projects on the go. I’m excited to see Trailbound Alaska evolve.

Rickey Gates, Every Single Street

“My feet made that.”

– Rickey Gates

Pro runner + artist documented a huge project covering all the streets in San Fransisco (which inspired my own miniature #everysinglestreet project a couple years ago.)

Vivienne Rickman, Mountain Swimming and Photography

I’ve appreciated Vivienne’s approach to swimming, not as a sport to measure, train, improve at, but as a medium for an immersive experience with the world. Her ambitious #swimsnowdonia helped me see the opportunities for exploration in my own backyard through new eyes.

Brendan Leonard, Semi-Rad

Brendan, aka Semi-Rad‘s perspective on running, suffering, and life through the lens of charts of doodles have lit up my feeds since my bro-in-law introduce me to him a few years ago. Ambitious projects like 52 Marathons, while commiserating on the foolishness of our Type 2 “fun” endeavors. Good (and bad) times.