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Three tools
In middle school jazz band, I learned that good jazz wasn’t produced through an abundance of notes, but a few well-placed ones. Teenagers enthralled by the capabilities of our newly-acquired instruments and rudimentary skills, we each were tempted to compensate for our lack of skill by playing a flurry of notes. Our director threatened to…
iPads, Autism, and the Story You’ll Tell
The other day I watched two brilliant stories. They contrast the amazing diversity of stories being told these days, and got me really excited for the opportunities we all have to tell stories of our own. The first is a short TED talk by Joe Sabia. With faster iPad fingers than you’ll ever see on…
Chris Anderson: How web video powers global innovation
In his inspiring presentation Chris Anderson, curator of the TED Conference, Â introduces to the term “crowd accelerated innovation” and how web video has amplified this process exponentially. “Our brains are uniquely wired to decipher video.” Anderson makes the point that while the written word has done so much to advance ideas worldwide, it is a…