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Christmas Decorations for Runners
Easy to spot the runners in our neighbourhood this time of year… Merry Christmas!
The Week in Between
Last night my wife turned to me, “Today was Tuesday, right?” We talked about this weird week between Christmas and New Year. The frenzy of choir concerts and family gatherings is over, nearly all the Christmas baking has mysteriously disappeared. But the next thing has yet to begin. I’m not sure what day it is.…
Christmas Reflections
I’m always amazed how quickly, after months of anticipation, Christmas comes and goes each year. November and December are a flurry of preparations and celebrations all pointing to Christmas Day. The Day itself is gone in a flash, after which we all wake up and carry on life as usual. Maybe early Christian traditions were…
Merry Christmas!
Christmas is nearly here! Above’s a little Christmas postcard, from our family to yours :). In the midst of all the busyness of buying and making gifts, decorating (yes, we got a real tree, and no, Olivia hasn’t even threatened to pull it down yet!), and working through what is the busiest season for my…
Merry Christmas!
Our First Christmas Tree
This year, for the first time since we got married we’re not traveling out of the country for Christmas, so we were able to justify getting a Christmas tree. Anna’s been looking forward to this for at least the last year. Of course this is also Olivia’s first Christmas. For the occasion we decided to…
Giving Gifts
The Christmas season is upon us, and while there’s so much to enjoy about this month, it took only one short shopping trip yesterday (among the throngs of other shoppers) to be reminded of everything that makes me excited for this month to be over. Everything surrounding Christmas gift-giving has always made me uncomfortable. At…