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Putting Down Roots
We rolled out our lawn this weekend. It’s beautiful, thick, and green. Now we will drench it every day for a couple weeks hoping that it likes its new home and will flourish here. Having lived here for three months now, that’s our hope for our little family too.
Resurrection: Rob Bell from The Work of Rob Bell on Vimeo. A beautiful “illustrated monologue” and collaboration between two amazing artists, Rob Bell (speaker) and Chuck Anderson (graphics, storyboards, & art direction). What I love about this piece is the energy of Bell. A super-talented public speaker, his excitement, pacing and passion drew me in.…
Lately I’ve been checking out some master-of-light-effects graphic artists and trying to learn from their style. Here’s something I put together last night, based on a photo we took of Winnipeg last week. And it looks better in a larger format, which you can find here.
The One Thing
“A saint is the person who can will the one thing.” – Soren Kierkegaard I have no idea what that quote means, except that I heard that quote (in the video whose trailer is below) used in reference to ordering and simplifying our busy lives. For years I’ve been trying to learn the art of…
Olivia and the Language of 1000 Faces
One thing that has amazed us as we watched Olivia grow and develop is the variety of expressions displayed on her little face. When she’s happy, her entire head radiates sunshine; when she’s upset, dark clouds roll into every wrinkle. Surprise, joy, curiosity, pain, tiredness, her face says it all. What I find equally fascinating…
Letting Go of the Checklist
Daily checklists are great. Checklists feel safe and keep things balanced. Checklists remind us about those things that we need to do and can’t forget. Checklists keep up productivity. Checklists are great, at least when your aim is productivity. But not all of life is about productivity. If you’re married or have children, you know…
Volaticus: Don’t design a logo before you’ve booked a gig
In high school a few friends and I started a band. We called ourselves “Volaticus” and knew we were on the brink of rock band fame and glory. Shortly after our first gig we had designed up a logo and were dreaming about making t-shirts and stickers. Unfortunately Volaticus never survived past its second performance.…
Andrew Bird
Beautiful setting, beautiful music.
LOST, spankings, and what?
My good friend, Chris, has just released an eBook on how we read the Bible, called “More To The Story: What LOST, spankings, and doing laundry have taught me about reconciling Jesus and the God of the Old Testament”. He dives right in, looking at some of the questions that have kept church-folk squirming and…