Everything You Do is Marketing

I was listening to a marketing class where they interviewed Ken Clement, a McDonald’s franchisee in Arizona. Say what you want about their food, and experiences may vary, but I’ve often been surprised at the friendliness (and family-friendliness) of McDonald’s restaurants. Clement talked about the importance of treating his customers well and giving them a great experience in his restaurants as being the most important part of marketing.

There’s often a lot of thought and effort that goes into branding, advertising, logos, the things you say about your own products and services (I have a job because of it!). But what’s always been more important is what others have to say. Customers can see straight through the lipstick on a pig.

We were chatting about experiences in various stores where we encountered employees who evidently “just worked there”. What’s unfortunate is that, aside from hurting the business’ brand, they don’t realize that they’re hurting their own. We all have the opportunity to delight our customers and co-workers. It’s not easy, but if McDonald’s success is any indication, it’s probably worth it.

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