Category: Uncategorized

  • How to fix what ain’t broke

    We have a room in our basement, the office. “It’s our sewing room,” my wife would interject. But since my wife’s not here right now, is she? So for our purposes — and despite the fabric, patterns and thread covering the desk at the moment — it’s the office. We have been talking about how…

  • The fears we teach our children

    Teaching our children what to fear is important if we want them to stay safe. Watch out for cars. Don’t touch the stove. Don’t accept rides from strangers. A healthy fear of potential danger is what will keep them alive which, as a parent, is generally priority number 1. As humanity learns more about the…

  • Cracks in the Pavement

    December in Manitoba can be a cold, dark month. Winter threatens to take hold of the land with each northern gust of wind. Sunlight is in short supply during these shortest days of the year. The combination of darkness and cold have a way of working themselves into your bones as everyone settles in for…

  • The Essential Art of Working in the Shadows

    My friend Elena recently shared James Tissot’s “The Anxiety of Saint Joseph” as part of an Advent reflection, and the painting immediately resonated. This is a picture of Joseph, an often overlooked character in the Christmas story, sitting alone with his thoughts and inner turmoil among the wood shaving of his workshop. While his wife-to-be,…

  • Is it time to graduate?

    When we were kids, change was easy, and a natural part of growing up. Each summer we graduated from one school grade, and began the next one in fall. We started playing a sport in one league, and playedin that league until we were too old for it. Beginnings and endings were determined by our…

  • You’ll Never Live Your Dream

    Do you have a dream? We usually quite admire the folks do. Some people seem to be able to articulate quite clearly their life goal, and move resolutely towards it. I’ve never been one of those people. I’ve always been a little frustrated with myself for seeing too many options, each with their pros and…

  • Thanks(by)giving

    In his book, The Gift, Lewis Hyde dissects gift-giving based on ancient cultures with gift-giving rituals. One of the key things that makes a gift a gift in these cultures, is that the gift must be given away by their recipients. Ancient cultures understood that gifts weren’t given to be hoarded by the recipient, but…

  • Your Great Story Starts With “One Day”

    It snowed. It snowed! (It snowed last night…) Nothing changes the landscape and one’s perspective like a fresh blanket of white. Whether you respond by wanting to rush outside and play (like our three-year-old) or by counting the days toward spring (like every commuter), an obvious change in seasons is felt by everyone. It’s as…

  • The Thing Jack Taught Us

    When he tumbled down the hill, breaking his crown and fumbling his ego, he taught us all a lesson. If you’re running too quickly, if you feel like your legs can’t keep up, don’t try to be the tough guy. You don’t need to “man up” (whether or not you’re actually a man). It’s ok…

  • Frankenstein’s Night

    Here’s a Halloween tale: — The evening was crisp and the moon was bright The owls were just waking up for the night Our friend Frankenstein was swiping his phone His dwelling was empty and he felt quite alone Kids were out asking for tricks or for sweets Dressed up all in cardboard, facepaint and…