Tag: video

  • Stay Curious

    Curiosity. From the moment we open our eyes it fuels our existence. Keep looking for it and follow it… (thanks anthony)

  • Flow

    I just finished reading Dan Pink’s Drive, in which Pink explains why traditional carrot-and-stick motivators are out-dated and need to be replaced by the intrinsic motivators of Autonomy, Mastery and Purpose. (For the abbreviated version of the book, watch Pink’s TED talk, which I’ve mentioned before). One thing I learned was the importance of experiencing…

  • Where Do Good Ideas Come From?

    Often when we think of inventors and people with great ideas, we think of them as lone rangers with furrowed brows who have a “Eureka” moment that leads to their great discovery. Indeed, that’s how many of them would tell the story as well. In this talk by Steven Johnson, (and in his TED talk)…

  • Creativity Takes Time

    How long does creativity take? If you’re like me, you probably find it hard to set aside long amounts of time to develop creative ideas for your projects. When I’m doing a design project, I usually find myself running after the first idea I have just to meet a deadline or save time. But occasionally…

  • Nancy Duarte’s “Resonate”

    A friend linked my to Nancy Duarte’s free webinar where she talks about some of the thoughts from her new book, Resonate. Nancy’s the CEO of Duarte, a presentation design firm, and has a ton of great tools and wisdom to share from her years of developing presentations. I’ve just started cracking into Resonate (Santa…

  • Chris Anderson: How web video powers global innovation

    In his inspiring presentation Chris Anderson, curator of the TED Conference,  introduces to the term “crowd accelerated innovation” and how web video has amplified this process exponentially. “Our brains are uniquely wired to decipher video.” Anderson makes the point that while the written word has done so much to advance ideas worldwide, it is a…

  • Resurrection

    Resurrection: Rob Bell from The Work of Rob Bell on Vimeo. A beautiful “illustrated monologue” and collaboration between two amazing artists, Rob Bell (speaker) and Chuck Anderson (graphics, storyboards, & art direction). What I love about this piece is the energy of Bell. A super-talented public speaker, his excitement, pacing and passion drew me in.…

  • Helvetica: A Type of Story

    Yesterday I watched Helvetica the documentary. A movie about a font?!? Well, depending on how you’re wired, it might be a lot more interesting than you think. I know it sucked me in (but I guess I’m a bit of a nerd, so don’t my word for it). Here’s the trailer. I’m obviously a typomaniac……

  • Reminiscing on a Friday Night

    It’s a quiet, snowy Friday night, and I’m feeling sentimental. Within the next week or two our lives will be turned upside down forever. Our baby girl is due to arrive any day, our jobs are coming to a close in a week, and in a couple months we’ll be moving from the city that’s…