Tag: silence

  • Ache in the empty spaces

    “There’s nothing more addictive than something that almost works.” – Dr. Gordon Neufeld Many of us bemoan our addiction to our digital devices. What began as a curiosity – the magic of sharing a photo directly from our pocket camera with our family and friends across the globe! – has devolved into an algorithm-fuelled habit…

  • Silence has found me

    When snow begins to coat the ground, as it’s been doing this week in our neighbourhood, every noise is muffled, creating a new world of silence that is breath-taking in its unexpected minimalism. Every sound that you do hear feels intentional. Somehow the birds’ songs have become clearer and more distinct, have you noticed that?…

  • The Basie Way

    When most of us think of a leader we think of the trailblazer, the person at the front of the pack, leading the way. That’s how I’ve usually thought about leadership as well. The leader needs to stay out in front, do most of the talking, and shoulder the weight of the team. The problem…