Tag: kids

  • Howling at Wolves

    I didn’t really think it through when we signed up for the Wolf Howl Hike at Alfred Hole Goose Sanctuary last week. After work and school we drove out into the growing darkness in the Whiteshell, met up with a small group of fellow headlamp-wearing families, strapped on snowshoes, and trekked out into the unknown.…

  • Climbing

    Have you watched The Alpinist yet? It’s the story of Canadian climber Marc-AndrĂ© Leclerc’s crazy mountain climbing feats all over the world. Similar to Alex Honnold of Free Solo fame, Marc-AndrĂ©’s climbs featured a distinct lack of ropes or other safety nets (literally or figuratively), but also include the extra fear factor of mixed surface…

  • Turning Trash Into Toys

    Last week when we built a cardboard box playhouse we thought we were doing well, Arvind Gupta taking making toys from trash to a whole new level! Years ago my Grandpa gave me the grooved-stick-airplane, which still confounds most adults (especially when you make it fly in reverse). I love the gleam in Gupta’s as…