Tag: heath bros

  • Tickle the Elephant

    It’s the reason you plan to wake up early to exercise, but end up hitting snooze instead. It’s also the reason all the facts, stats and graphs in the world can make your audience change. “Perched atop the Elephant, the Rider holds the reins and seems to be the leader. But the Rider’s control is…

  • The Evil Villain of Communication

    We’ve all fallen prey to it before. Your text message says, “See you there at 8”, and they showed up in the morning instead of evening. Or the Help instructions say, “Select the brush icon from the toolbox”, to which you respond, “Where the heck is the toolbox in the first place???” You’ve just been…

  • Flipping the Switch on Change

    I just finished Switch, the newest book from the Heath brothers (authors of Made to Stick). While I was surprised that the second book from Chip & Dan wasn’t about communication, as their first had been, I really enjoyed this one. Switch discusses how to make change happen, both personally and in relationships, as well…

  • Making Your Newsletters Remarkable: Speak Their Language

    If you’re involved in fundraising or connecting friends and supporters with your mission, ministry or cause, writing newsletters is probably an important part of what you do. Among my friends here at YWAM Denver, it’s always “newsletter time” for someone. I’ve been writing newsletters for nearly 9 years, and would like to share a couple…