Stories from the Christmas Tree

The Christmas season is filled with symbolism and memories. It’s always interesting to learn about the various Christmas traditions that families have. Now that we have a family of our own, Anna and I have been discussing what kinds of traditions we want to incorporate into our own family’s tradition as well.

Growing up, one of my family’s traditions was that each of us kids would receive a new tree ornament to hang on our Christmas tree. This year as we hung these ornaments in our own tree, I was reminded of all the stories that these ornaments represent.

Below is a little tour of our Christmas tree and some of the memories its holding. I took the opportunity to play with some of Prezi’s new features to give you a fully “paralaxed” experience! Enjoy!

(Click here to view it in Prezi).

Hope your Christmas is filled both remembering and creating great stories for you and yours.


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