Run Together

Today’s an exciting day. Let me introduce to you RunHaiku Volume X: Run Together.

From the outside, running is often viewed as a solo activity. But once you start running, you find a community of runners that help make the miles more enjoyable, and encourage and inspire you to keep going when the going gets tough.

This is why running, for many, is more than a sport.

Writing, too, is often seen as a solo activity. When I started writing haiku during my daily runs, I thought I was the only one who would enjoy such odd entertainment.

But I was wrong (and I’m glad I was).

RunHaiku Volume X: Run Together is a collection of haiku from fellow runners, cyclists, swimmers, hikers, walkers. People moving through their world under their own power, with open eyes, who decided to document their noticings in haiku form.

This is so awesome. I hope you enjoy these.

Big thanks to Dave, Jonathan, Edwin, René, Greg, Casey, Martin, The Mindful Runner, Jake, Skip, and my very own mom, for sending your poems and inspiring all of us to move with open eyes.

If you’re inspired and would like to submit your poem, head over here to do so.