Public Poetry on a Friday Night

Join us Friday, April 21, 7:30pm at The Public in Steinbch for some poetry!

I’m excited to hear words from some incredible local poets, including Sarah Ens and Luann Hiebert and others! I’m also honoured to be able to share some words of my own.

We’ll be bringing back the Beer Haiku challenge for big bragging rights, and have an open mic for anyone who has a poem they’d like to share.

I quoted it last year, but Mary Oliver’s quote still rings true, “[poetry] wishes for a community.” Words shared can reach into lonely places, bring people together, shine light on things previously unseen, and be simply a lot of fun.

Come to think of it, beer when shared in good company can sometimes do some of the same things…

Both are good reasons to come out Friday night. Hope to see you there!