The Long Night and the Dawn

“No matter how long or dark the night, no matter the pain, or how difficult is is to go on, you can’t stop the dawn.”

– Ashleigh, Jan 10, 2021

A couple weeks ago we lost a dear friend.

Ashleigh was a shining example of being light in the darkness, showing how light wins when you do the next right thing.

Even in her final days, as she neared the end of her long night, she held onto hope for the dawn. “We all must face our longest night,” she said, “and each our own dawn.”

Jordan wrote a wonderful summary to the events of the past few weeks here, which includes a note of thanks which I would like to extend to the Longest Night Run community, who ran alongside our friends through their darkest hours.

Thanks. What a beautiful community we have, and what a privilege to be part of an “us” who came together in this way.

If you would like to support the Dueck family as they continue to grieve and imagine life’s next chapters, you can do so by visiting this GoFundMe, or by depositing directly into the Ashleigh Dueck Memorial Fund at the SCU.