Maybe This Christmas

Christmas is upon us, complete with its full calendars, packed parking lots, and growing to-do lists.

My annual fear is that, amidst the flurry of activity surrounding Christmas, I will race from store to event to activity without taking so much as a single deep breath to soak in all the richness around which the entire celebration revolves.

Each year I hope for a moment, one that usually catches me by surprise, that stirs my soul. One that lets me feel the weight, beauty and wonder of the incarnation.

What’s the point of all the eating and drinking and merry-making if it doesn’t somehow move or inspire us?

It’s this reflective moment that I hope will give meaning to all the other activities of the season.

Sometimes this moment is triggered by a memory, other times a phrase or idea. This year, one of those moments was found through a song, which I’d like to share with you:

May you find a still moment to savour all the richness of this Christmas season.