Gratitude is an Act of Rebellion

Icon thx Nut Chanut via nounproject (isn't that such a great little turkey?)
Icon thx Nut Chanut via nounproject (isn’t that such a great little turkey?)

Nearly every advertising message tell us about the things we do not yet have, but probably need, things that will make us more happy about life.

Most of the photos on our Instas and Snapchats remind us that our friends are having much more fun this weekend that we (because all we’re up to is flipping through their photos).

Most of our conversations tend to lean towards the things that irritate us, or the things we’re hoping to do or acquire.

Our culture has wired us for discontent, comparison and ingratitude.

Gratitude is an act of rebellion because is cuts through cultural norms. Contentment is out of fashion, and being grateful for everything – from our privilege down to our every breath – rarely goes viral.

For this one weekend in the year (in Canada, because we’re keeners about things like Thanksgiving), our culture stops to remember gratitude, a perspective that we would do well to carry through the rest of the year.

Be courageously, daringly, relentlessly, grateful.